
Friday, 11 July 2014

Day 13

Hehehehe I did things today too kinda. Went to Granville Island with my friends for lunch & shopping (they watched the new ep of free too!!) and ended up walking a lot. Guess this is all the exercise I'll be getting all summer lol. Explored the public marketplace and a bunch of shops before getting lunch. Bought Clam Chowder Pot Pie ($$$) and a white tea lemonade (also $$) for lunch. Funny cuz we all ended up buying the same lunch. Walked around some more, window-shopped, didn't really buy anything except for food, bought a bar of chocolate for $3 haha. Became pretty tired of walking but the ocean breezes felt nice. There were also a lot of geese which I chased c: Really wanted to go paddle boarding and swimming in general but didn't bring a swimsuit... I really need to do it one day though.. urghhh... Got green tea ice cream (also $$$) and then a ride home from friend's mom.. and from the looks of it my friends will be chilling at my place next week for the airing of Free ES ep 3 yayyyy I've officially converted more people >:)

Didn't do much for the rest of the day I guess. Accidentally made the wrong thing for dinner -oops- and had to restart.. Played TL for a bit.. nothing special really happened though. Also babysitting my little brother turned into a 2-h long game of life with my other siblings =_=" I was a teacher & had like 4 kids... but it's all good I ended up with the most money during retirement muahahaah
Erghhh I spent a looot today for food only.... kinda ashamed...but, oh well... it tasted good and that's all that matters, right?

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