
Monday 28 July 2014

Day 26 - 31

Welp. This is it. I didn't bother posting for 6 days due to being stuck in a crappy mood for a couple days. I'll try my best to remember what I did for the past almost-week...

26 - Woke up at 2am with a really bad feeling in my stomach & threw up in the toilet. It wasn't anything I ate so I think it was a stomach flu/virus of some sort. Pretty much repeated what happened at 2am throughout the day... had to miss my interview which was my ticket to finally getting a job this summer but nooope fate just doesn't favour me, does it.... pretty much was left in a crappy mood for the next couple days since I basically lost a job opportunity (sighs.. oh well.. i guess i'd say i'm used to disappointment by now). HOWEVER!! that did not stop me from watching free!ES ep 4!!! There was a lot of Sourin angst & whatnot (after what happened Sousuke still has the 5-year promise left to use on Rin heheheee) the bento part though (mako & haru in perfect harmony..). Sourin did the Makoharu eye sparkly thing to each other !!!(I guess we know what pairings KyoAni favours)

27 - Felt a bit better by 10am so we went to my grandma's house. Sis went to watch HTTYD2 with her friends (lucky) while I recovered in granny's sanctuary lol. Drew on my tablet a bit, watched Sagwa on TV (THEY STILL AIR ITTT!!) and Arthur as well. I swear, DW is such a lil shit -exactly like me lul- "oh, arthur, i'd do anything for you!! for money.." BESTTT.  I cheered up quite a bit from just chilling and listening to my music for a couple of hours. Mom made me study for my driver's. Put of getting my L for nearly 2 years LOL i'm not exactly proud but hey.. not like I'd have the nerve to drive on the road anytime soon anyways.. MY BODY IS NOT YET READY ;_; actually read over the driver's manual & such.. took the online test a few more times till I got 96 or 100 every time (the ICBC test is seriously so troll though... like every time I retake it a new question pops up & screws over my perfect score...). Napped a lil, ATE DUMPLINGS W/ cho (idk what you call it in eng... it's like vinegar & soy sauce mixed?? iDK) and some fruit & mango cake (so niceee grannyyyy ;_;) went home & moped a bit after... still was pretty pissed about the interview...

28 - Mom took me out to get my L at lansdowne. Waiting in line took really long.. like 30 min??? they took a bazillion mugshots of me too.. AND I LOOKED LIKE ABSOLUTE CRAP IM NOT EVEN JOKING... whyyyyy.. at the end they were like, "do you like your picture?" and I just said yes even though it looked like utter shit fml. Passed my L test (got the very first 2 wrong & then remebered that the SKIP BUTTON EXISTED wow what a lifesaver) and became broke a little for paying for the L & for the test fee... but then my mom paid me back & we bought ice cream & bbt (I got bubblegum & these boys were laughing at me but hey I have ice cream & they don't so who's the real winner here) went to Target & bought some new shoes/sandals (the customers seriously trashed the shoe isle like wow were these ppl raised in the jungle??) and some underwear heehe. Listened to jap ver. of under the sea & went home feeling pretty happy ~~

29 - I don't know what I did this day but uhhh oh I rmb I went out to the backyard to watch my lil bro & blew some bubbles yeahh... cool stuff. That's pretty much all I did that day i believe... yeah. kinda sad..

30 - Went out with friends for my friend's birthday!! Took the wrong bus by accident and went in like the opposite direction... delayed by like 30 min & made my friends wait... sorry.... but at least i saw a cute boy on the bus??? Tried signing the card on the skytrain & failed.... met up at pacific center & walked to the restaurant!! Almost none of the food we ordered was spicy actually.. which surprised me since it's a Thai restaurant. Uhh to sum up my dining experience... PINEAPPLE RICE!! Currryy!!  clams??? coconut rice (i believe??) PAD THAIII. yeah idk it was good though!! we also had fried banana for dessert (which I shaped into a dick& balls lol very mature) and had a candle put on. The restaurant staff also sang happy birthday to her which was nice. We left to visit the beach (walked a ton, sweated a ton) ended up sitting on the grass in a shady area (like literal tree shade not like.. in an alley..) Thenn we walked back to the station & stopped at a gelato shop where they offered free samples before you order!! (which they'd better cuz the ice cream was like $5/scoop...) got green tea -my default- and salted caramel!! Went to bus back at 6-7 ish since my phone died and feet were sore... Relaxed back at home.. started playing TL again (neglected it for a few days)

31 - We are now in the present!!! Pretty chill day.. had bacon eggs & fruit for lunch (hella yum) and helped my lil bro do his ABC's & stuff.. Went shopping in the late afternoon for groceries & dinner. Dressed in hobo attire again (leveled up with socks& sandals combo!!) and yet we were tailed by a group of teenage guys (do you have no standards???) ended up buying chinese food instead of sushi since the sushi place was closed.. more pimples to come.. I can feel it.... This brings us to the actual present where I'm listening to anime openings (I AM ADDICTED TO LOVE HIME THEME SONG FROM YOWAPEDA it's not even a real anime though i am ashamed of myself..) Yeah gonna sleep now.. FREE!!! idk had to say it.....

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