
Thursday 3 July 2014

Day 5 & 6

WHOOPS totally forgot to post yesterday... probably too caught up with the first Free!ES episode and making jello. Yeah, that was basically what went down yesterday. Cheated and gave in to watching the episode almost right after it aired before my friends came over to watch it after lunch...kinda pretended I'd never watched it before when they did come over. Sorryyyy guys I hope you don't see this...
It was excellent btw (esp. the opening I listened it 180 times in the past 2 days.. counter on listenonrepeat... yeah, I'm lame...) with all the angsty hints from the opening & the shenanigans in the ending theme. I am in awe still... Hopefully the foreshadowed events actually happen somewhere in the season.
Sousuke is hot as hell in the actual episode as in the trailer heheh.. definitely not disappointed with that ^_^
It was really cute & I think rinharu will be the main focus for the beginning episodes just as it was for season one.. not that I'm complaining. I will have faith in my ship and makoharu shall sail for the middle episodes as it did in season one (hopefully). AND I'M STILL CHOKED WITH THE CHERRY BLOSSOM PETAL SEPARATION THING IN THE POOL. THAT IS NOT OKAY. OH HOW I FEAR FOR MY BOYS ;_; but we are guaranteed a happy ending I suppose... (KyoAni knows better than that... maybe)

Anyways, my sister & I made some jello that for the picnic I was going to have at a friends house today. Made Fruit Fiesta and orange AND THE ORANGE WAS FUCKING NASTY AS HELL OK THE BOX TELLS LIES IT SMELLED DISGUSTING WHEN WE WERE MAKING IT. I CAN STILL FEEL THE SCENT LINGERING IN MY NOSTRILS BLOODY HELL IT WAS AWFUL. but flavour wise they were both ok. The orange does have this pungent/asian zing to it but after a while you just get used to it I guess.

As for today, went to pick up report cards before noon (better than waking up at 8 like my sis will tmrw haha suck it) and signed like 1000 yearbooks =.=" I've just given up on finding people to sign. Those whose comments I actually do care about I'll keep in touch with in the future anyways sooo I don't find it that big of a deal like I did the last few years (I literally had like 5 people sign mine before I was all "nope, screw this I'm heading home").

Afterwards, we went to friends house and brought our food things and basically watched Free ES/yaoi/ouran whilst eating food in my tiny jello bowls (IDK why no one bothered to eat in proper plates but oh well). Some of my friends were looking away & seemed deeply disturbed with the yaoi at some parts while me & another friend were just hell yea the whole time. Maybe I'm just too much of a perv......
Did basically nothing the rest of the night. Didn't play pokemon or anything.. just tumblred and listened to the ES opening a "few" more times... HAHA i'm a sad human being.....
I want mac and cheese ....

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